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So who’s at home now?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:23 pm
by X5Sport
I started WFH this morning as part of the response to this virus outbreak, and am also playing School Teacher to my son as he’s at home now too. I could end up doing this for the next 6 months if what I’m hearing about the Summer Term being abandoned. :?

No doubt more than a few of us are in the same boat.

I feel desperately sorry for those with kids who should be taking their GCSEs or College/University exams as they must all be going through some really stressful times. Hopefully this is going to get worked out in a way that is fair and representative for each and every student.

Everyone keep safe please and please stick to HMG advice, it’s not just your life you might be risking. :thumbsup:

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:59 pm
by StuBeeDoo
I'm semi-retired..... Or supposed to be. My job is delivery driver for one of the larger supermarkets. I was told this morning that I have been given extra shifts this week, meaning I will be working 5 days. :( I suspect that if I dig my heels in and say I'm not doing it, I will be put on a disciplinary - so with with gritted teeth I'll do it. I just hope it doesn't become the new normal - if it does, I will be considering my options carefully.

I rarely frequent pubs, eat out, go to cinema or theatre, and my idea of relaxation is a solitary long walk in the countryside. My preferred social gathering is a 3-couple dinner party with a few of our close friends but that doesn't happen often and has already been put on hold for the foreseeable. So with the exception of not getting my regular walks, the current situation doesn't have too much impact on me.

On Thursday, I had an e-mail telling me that our summer holiday destination has cancelled and I'm now in the process of getting refunds or reimbursement from our insurer. That's an inconvenience, a triviallity, in the grand scheme of things. We'll wait to see if things start to improve in the next 3 months and if they do, go for a late booking - probably somewhere in Scotland.

Stay safe, everyone. ........And don't just think of yourselves, remember that your actions could impact on others.

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:50 am
by henrym3
I have already come into conflict with "friends". Having a wife with serious breathing problems, COPD, catching this virus would be a death sentence, so we are following the guidelines to the letter. People still turn up cos they’re bored, with the attitude that if they catch it, so be it. Then get up tight when told to piss off and stop being so selfish and thoughtless. I guess my circle of friends will be reduced a little when this is over but I can LIVE with that.

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:41 pm
by X5Sport
Looking at the images on TV there are too many just not getting the message. People just don’t seem to think that it isn’t about them it’s about the impact their catching might have on others such as in your case.

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:43 pm
by marti
Im at home, due to all the building suppliers being closed until further notice, time to catch up on a few jobs on the house and cars....

Keep safe everyone.

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:25 am
by sapphireblack
I am at home a lot these days, i retired some time ago. My biggest disappointment is being stuck in the UK indefinitely. I'm normally abroad from April/May for several months but obviously not this year.

I bought this to take to Greece but it's likely now it will be an embarrassment until next year, or I may have to sell it and start again 2021 :( This assumes I am unaffected by Covid 19 :o :o

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:39 pm
by henrym3
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Spent the day cleaning and polishing, Alpina is next.

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:12 pm
by Leslie
Still at work here , non essential and can't work from home and will be open till we are forced shut by Government or we drop dead lol :(

Re: So who’s at home now?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 6:36 am
by StuBeeDoo
We've been waiting over four years to go on our holiday-of-a-lifetime. A road-trip through France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Germany then back into France. Upwards of 3,000 miles in 14 days, leaving home on July 5th. The focus of the trip was to see the Passion Play in Oberammergau. The Passion Play has been postponed until '22, so we've now got to wait another 2 years. :(

A small consolation is that if the lockdown is lifted by July 5th, and the weather is agreeable, we could get late bookings for the Western Isles, which is somewhere in the UK I have been wanting to visit for quite a while. I'm already stocked-up on midgey-repellent from previous summer trips to Scotland.