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Time date keep resetting ?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:35 am
by Martyns
My time and date seem to reset most nights , my main battery seems fine , is there a battery just for time date ? I have a X6 35d 2009
Thanks in advance

Time date keep resetting ?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:45 pm
by X5Sport
There’s only one battery. If it’s losing the date/time and the vehicle battery is starting the car just fine it ‘suggests’ there may be an issue in the iDrive itself. If it’s losing its power connection that will reset the clock and pretty much everything else - are you losing other settings? Before doing anything else though, check your battery really is OK. Fully charged it should show at least 12.6V under the bonnet at the jump start points four hours after the car was last used - leave the bonnet up (if safe), lock the car and then check it after 4 hours. The alarm won’t go if you leave the bonnet ajar.

If the voltage is less than 12V you have a dying battery. These cars will shut down ‘consumer’ circuits to keep enough to start the car, hence the need to check the battery.

Time date keep resetting ?

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:16 pm
by Leslie
Your battery may seem fine but when it gets cold it could be a different story :D , the date resetting is often linked to a discharged battery so charge it fully and see if its happens the next morn , lots of short runs can means the battery never gets a chance to charge up.

Time date keep resetting ?

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 7:22 am
by Alan Gunn
Handy site ???.

Time date keep resetting ?

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:49 pm
by Martyns
Very handy site :)
Thanks for the helpful tips , yes I do a lot of short journeys , I will charge over night then check 4 hours after I’ve charged to see if I get a drop , I had a leak at the battery it’s not a particularly great brand I don’t think , not a name ive heard !